An examination (exam or evaluation) or test is an educational assessment intended to measure a test-taker's knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics .A test may be administered verbally, on paper, on a computer, or in a predetermined area that requires a test taker to demonstrate or perform a set of skills.
Exams are very important in the process of learning. It gives a clear picture of the achievements of learning objectives as well as student’s knowledge of any topic/ subject/ skill.
To be successful in the exam one should know some study hacks. These hacks:
Increase your productivity and efficiency
Maintain your study routine
Learn faster
Boost your memory
Ace your exams with less stress
1. Making a schedule- Make a complete schedule or a time table keeping your exam date in mind. The time should be allotted to each and every topic and have revision and buffer time also. Consistency in following schedule is a key factor.
2. Assess your strengths and weaknesses- One should focus more on the areas when you need improvement. Eat a frog in the breakfast that means start a day with the most difficult topic or task and complete it with fresh mind. There are some subjects that you like more than others. If you want to do things the smart way, save your least challenging tasks for the end of your studies. Get the hardest things done first. Topics in which you have command will help in increase of percentage and give you confidence.
3. Format of exam- Preparation process should revolve around types of questions asked in the previous year paper. Refer past papers and get yourself familiarize with the paper pattern.
4. Seeking guidance- Never hesitate in asking questions to your mentors, classmates and seeking help from other online platforms.
5. Break down your study material into smaller, manageable chunks. This makes it easier to digest and retain information and efficiency in solving test.
Use the technique called spaced repetition-
a. Break the information into parts
b. Learn new part at a time
c. Review your acquisition each time you study.
6. Find a study space- Create a good study space with basic requirements such as a table, desk, access to power, internet signal and good lighting source. You need a place that’s comfortable without being so relaxing. Surrounding yourself with peace and quiet helps you focus.
7. Take regular breaks- Study sessions will be more productive if you allow yourself to take planned breaks. Take short breaks to bust the stress. Little meditation or some dance moves help you regain energy and freshen up your mind. It increases the retention power.
8. Maintain healthy lifestyle- A well-rested mind and body perform better during exams. Eating balanced diet and sleep of 6-7 hrs. and regular exercises helps you to be fit and energetic throughout study and exam time.
9. Mind maps- Mind maps/ drawings / Flash cards/ Formulas/ Charts help you organize and visualize information, making it easier to understand and remember. It should be handy and accessible. Visual picture boost retention power. Creating imaginary pictures, crafting word puzzles or doing other mental exercises can help make your material easier to remember.
10. Be a teacher- to teach a topic to someone, you need to know / understand the concept thoroughly. Try to explain he topic to your peer group. Peer learning gives you confidence and clarifies your doubt too.
11. Join a study group-
Benefits of a study group include:
Explaining the material to one another
Being able to ask questions about things you don’t understand
Quizzing each other or playing review games
Learning the material more quickly than you might on your own
Developing soft skills that will be useful in your career, such as teamwork and problem solving
Having fun as you study
12. Quiz yourself- Challenge yourself to see what you can remember. Quizzing yourself is like practicing for the test, and it’s one of the most effective to improve memory.
Before the test, visualize yourself doing good. If possible, do not study on the exam day. Revise well a day prior and take review test. Be confident on yourself for best result.